Welcome to


This is a magical place where nothing matters and we get to do whatever the f*ck we want.

There are no rules here. There is no one telling us what we can or can't do.

OHHI makes the music start to finish. Writing, producing, and recording original songs from wherever he happens to be at the time with the help of a folding plastic table, a POS bass guitar, and the camcorder that he uses to make the videos.

OHHI makes the videos with the help of various friends that he has coerced into spending an hour or two helping him attempt his very poorly thought out ideas. Primarily his good friend, cinematographer, and philanthropist MIKE LEARY.


There are no recording studios, no labels, no fancy video teams, very little planning, and no financial means whatsoever.

Basically, we do whatever we want with no money.

OHHI WRLD is funded by OHHI and by whoever decides they wanto to be apart of the chaos by buying any kind of merch.. which OHHI also designs himself. (coming soon)

All funds from merch are used to make music, videos, and bail.

Unsafe, unregulated, and semi-illegal..

Welcome to OHHI WRLD
